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Posts published in “Uncategorized”

The Morrisson Library Opens

Within a few years of the arrival of the first settlers, the citizens of the borough of Richmond had a desire for a library. The first known library in Richmond…

Richmond Connection to HBO’s Succession

The next to last episode of Succession was all about the funeral and interment of patriarch Logan Roy.  The fictional Roy’s mausoleum was a huge marble structure adorned with classical…

The Henry Clay Memorial Tablet

One hundred years ago this month, the newly chartered Richmond chapter of the Kiwanis Club memorialized the incident in 1842 at which visiting politician, Henry Clay, was confronted by Quaker…

July 4, 1884 in Glen Miller

For many years, Fourth of July in Richmond has meant Fireworks on Roosevelt Hill in Glen Miller Park.  But in the late 19th century, Richmond’s newest park would play host…

A Submarine on North A Street?

During World War II, Americans were reminded daily to buy War Bonds to help finance the war effort.  One of the more unusual ways of raising money was the one…

A Step Back in Time

In these days of worldwide pandemic and accompanying fear of contagion, Morrisson-Reeves has had to limit its services in response.   Programs have been cancelled or moved online.  Until recently, patrons…

General Telephone Fire of 1965

In an age when most of us carry our telephones around with us, we’re never far away from a quick call, text, or any other kind of contact, much less…

New Year’s Day Flood

December 31, 2018 was wet and windy from start to finish, producing temporary ponds in backyards and streets, but little serious damage.  That was not the case more than 180 years…

Christmas from Richmond’s Past

This card dates from the late 1920s.  The Cut Rate Shoe Store opened in 1926 and changed its name to Brown-bilt Shoe Store in 1929.  One of its prime features…